frequently asked questions

When can I apply for Scientific Research Projects?

You can make your project applications online using the BAPSIS automation system without being bound by any schedule (except for BAP08 and BAP13 Projects).

Who can apply for the projects?

KTU faculty members and faculty members who have completed their doctorate, specialization in medicine/dentistry or proficiency in art can apply.

I am an undergraduate/graduate student, can I apply for a project?

Undergraduate / postgraduate students cannot apply for projects. However, you can apply for a project through the faculty members of our university. Undergraduate students can apply to BAP09- Undergraduate Student Projects, Postgraduate / Medical Specialisation / Specialisation in Dentistry students can apply to BAP06-Graduate Thesis Project.

My project was supported, what should I do?

Good luck. You must submit the signed copies of the contract and the Application Form created by the BAPSIS system to the BAP Support Unit.

My project is in Running status, what should I do?

You can initiate the spending transactions within the scope of your project. Create a spending petition via the BAPSIS system, and deliver the signed copy of the bill and technical specifications to your Purchasing Personnel.

How can I make purchases?

Purchasing Transactions based on your petition are carried out by BAP Financial Transactions Unit Personnel. Your Project Card contains information about the Purchasing Personnel.

Can you provide information about Interim/Final Report deadlines?

Interim (development) reports containing the work done within the scope of the project should be uploaded to the BAPSIS automation system in 12-month periods (excluding the BAP13 Project).

The final report should be submitted to the BAP Unit in accordance with the format within three months at the latest following the end date specified in the protocol.